South Africa is home to more than 22 million children.

More than half of our children live in poverty and all of them are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.

Our children have few safe spaces. One in four children is exposed to domestic violence and one in five to violence at school. We also know that one in three South African children is sexually abused before age 17.

South African children experience massive trauma and mental health problems are on the increase. The youngest recorded victim of suicide in our country was aged six. Depression and anxiety disorders affect millions of children.

Marita Rademeyer (clinical psychologist) and Edith Kriel (social worker) have more than 50 years of combined experience in working with children and families who have experienced trauma, abuse and violence. They believe that training, upskilling and mentoring professionals who work with children on issues of child protection and mental health is a powerful way of impacting on the lives of our children.

  1. (Stats SA, Optimus foundation, CJCP, SADAG)

About Child Trauma Training

Child Trauma Training specialises in training focusing on child mental
health and child protection issues. Topics include:

  • Treatment for child abuse and neglect
  • Treatment for children with inappropriate sexual behaviours
  • Attachment and child protection
  • Clinical assessment of children and adolescents
    • Assessment of children for child protection investigations
    • Prevention of child abuse and neglect
    • Play therapy
    • Working effectively with anatomically correct dolls
    • Compassion fatigue in the helping profession
  • Psychopathology and children
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders in children

“Broken crayons still colour the same”



Should you like to attend any of our training sessions or want to enquire about on-site training please complete the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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